(click on Bylaw No to view Bylaw)
(click on Bylaw No to view Bylaw)
- 1/68 Situation of Buildings
- 3/68 Planting of Trees
- 1/86 SARM Liability Insurance
- 4/90 Destruction of Vegetation in Road Ditches
- 4/91 SARM General Insurance Plan
- 2/93 District 30 ADD Board
- 2/94 Declare Beavers Open to Hunting
- 3/97 Establish and Operate a Regional Library
- 4/97 Establish an Assessment Appeal Fee
- 9/97 Regulate the Speed of Motor Vehicles
- 3/02 SARM Property Insurance
- 2/05 Prohibit The Keeping, Harboring or Raising of "Domestic" Rats
- 2/06 Mailing of Assessment Notices
- 5/06 Haying Policy
- 6/06 Closing and Transfer of a Municipal Road
- 2/08 Designate a Site as Municipal Heritage Property (CNR)
- 3/08 Establish For The Accounting of Tangible Capital Assets
- 1/11 Designate a Site as a Municipal Heritage Property
- 3/11 Borrowing Bylaw - $9,524,235.00
- 2/12 Establish Tax Certificate Fee
- 5/12 Provide for the Closing and Transfer of a Municipal Road
- 2/15 Establish Municipal Employee Code Of Conduct
- 2/16 Provide For Entering Into An Agreement To Operate the Macklin and District Clinic
- 5/16 Establish Municipal Council Code of Ethics
- 3/17 Provide for Establishment of an Emergency Measures Organization
- 1/18 Authorize Certain Expenditures
- 2/18 Prevent and Control Clubroot
- 4/18 Establish Property Tax Incentives and Penalties
- 2/19 Provide for Fire Prevention and Protection, Suppression of Fire and Assessing and Levying the Cost
- 3/19 Establish a Public Notice Policy
- 4/19 Establish a Limit on Cash Collections
- 5/19 Enter into an Agreement for Fire Fighting Protection - Macklin
- 1/20 Establish Penalties for Contravention of Bylaws
- 2/20 License the Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells
- 4/20 Restrict the Operation of Certain Vehicles on Roads
- 6/20 Provide for Entering Into and Agreement to Provide Fire Fighting Protection - Luseland
- 1/21 Establish Mill Rate Factors
- 3/21 Provide for the Retention and Disposal of Documents
- 4/21 Regulate the Proceedings of Municipal Council and Council's Committees
- 5/21 Authorizing Financial Contribution in the Regional Park Authority of Macklin Lake
- 1/22 License the Excavation of Gravel from Gravel Pits
- 2/22 Repeal Obsolete and Inapplicable Bylaws
- GOVSK 1-2024 Building Bylaw
- 1/24 Building Permit Fees Bylaw
- 2/24 Amend Appendix A of Bylaw 2/16 to Operate the Macklin and District Medical Clinic
- 3/24 Provide for the Closing and Transfer of a Municipal Road
- 4/24 Construction of a New Fire Hall in Luseland
- 5/24 Regulate the Movement and Activities on Municipal Roads
- 6/24 Regulate the Speed of Motor Vehicles